
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using Emgu.CV;
using Emgu.CV.CvEnum;
using Emgu.CV.Structure;

namespace ZNLGIS
public class ImageClass
public static Image<Bgr, Byte> Cut(Image<Bgr,Byte> image ,Rectangle rectangle)
System.Drawing.Size roisize = new Size(260,380);
IntPtr dst = CvInvoke.cvCreateImage(roisize, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.IPL_DEPTH.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
CvInvoke.cvSetImageROI(image.Ptr, rectangle);
CvInvoke.cvCopy(image.Ptr, dst, IntPtr.Zero);

        return OpenCVEmguCVDotNet.IplImagePointerToEmgucvImage<Bgr, Byte>(dst);
    public static Image<Bgr, Byte> Cut2(Image<Bgr,Byte> image,int oldwidth,int oldheight)
        int x = image.Width - oldwidth;
        int y = image.Height - oldheight;
        System.Drawing.Size roisize = new System.Drawing.Size(oldwidth, oldheight); //要裁剪的图片大小
        IntPtr dst = CvInvoke.cvCreateImage(roisize, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_8U, 3);
        System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(x/2, y/2, oldwidth, oldheight);
        CvInvoke.cvSetImageROI(image.Ptr, rect);
        CvInvoke.cvCopy(image.Ptr, dst, IntPtr.Zero);

        return OpenCVEmguCVDotNet.IplImagePointerToEmgucvImage<Bgr, Byte>(dst);
    public static Image<Bgr, Byte> FlipImage(Image<Bgr, Byte> image, bool isHorizontal)
        if (isHorizontal)
            CvInvoke.cvFlip(image.Ptr, IntPtr.Zero, FLIP.HORIZONTAL);
            CvInvoke.cvFlip(image.Ptr, IntPtr.Zero, FLIP.VERTICAL);

        return image;
    public static Image<Bgr, Byte> RotateImage(Image<Bgr, Byte> image\_old, double angle, bool clockwise)
        IntPtr image\_temp;

        double anglerad = Math.PI \* (angle / 180);
        int newwidth = (int)Math.Abs(image\_old.Bitmap.Height \* Math.Sin(anglerad)) +
                    (int)Math.Abs(image\_old.Bitmap.Width \* Math.Cos(anglerad)) + 1;
        int newheight = (int)Math.Abs(image\_old.Bitmap.Height \* Math.Cos(anglerad)) +
                    (int)Math.Abs(image\_old.Bitmap.Width \* Math.Sin(anglerad)) + 1;

        image\_temp = CvInvoke.cvCreateImage(new Size(newwidth, newheight), IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_8U, 3);
        int flag = -1;

        if (clockwise)
            flag = 1;

        float\[\] m = new float\[6\];
        int w = image\_old.Bitmap.Width;
        int h = image\_old.Bitmap.Height;
        m\[0\] = (float)Math.Cos(flag \* angle \* Math.PI / 180);
        m\[1\] = (float)Math.Sin(flag \* angle \* Math.PI / 180);
        m\[3\] = -m\[1\];
        m\[4\] = m\[0\];

        m\[2\] = w \* 0.5f;
        m\[5\] = h \* 0.5f;

            void\* p;
            IntPtr ptr;
            fixed (float\* pc = m)
                p = (void\*)pc;
                ptr = new IntPtr(p);

            IntPtr M = CvInvoke.cvMat(2, 3, MAT\_DEPTH.CV\_32F, ptr);

        return OpenCVEmguCVDotNet.IplImagePointerToEmgucvImage<Bgr, Byte>(image\_temp);
    public static Image<Bgr, Byte> Py(Image<Bgr, Byte> src,int x,int y)
        System.Drawing.Size roisize = new Size(src.Width, src.Height);

        Image<Bgr, Byte> dst = new Image<Bgr, byte\>(src.Width, src.Height, new Bgr(Color.Transparent));

        int i, j;
        int w = src.Width;
        int h = src.Height;

        if (x >= 0 && y >= 0)
            for (i = 0; i < w - x; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < h - y; j++)
                    CvInvoke.cvSet2D(dst, j + y, i + x, CvInvoke.cvGet2D(src, j, i));
        else if (x >= 0 && y < 0)
            for (i = 0; i < w - x; i++)
                for (j = -y; j < h; j++)
                    CvInvoke.cvSet2D(dst, j + y, i + x, CvInvoke.cvGet2D(src, j, i));
        else if (x < 0 && y >= 0)
            for (i = -x; i < w; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < h - y; j++)
                    CvInvoke.cvSet2D(dst, j + y, i + x, CvInvoke.cvGet2D(src, j, i));
            for (i = -x; i < w; i++)
                for (j = -y; j < h; j++)
                    CvInvoke.cvSet2D(dst, j + y, i + x, CvInvoke.cvGet2D(src, j, i));

        return OpenCVEmguCVDotNet.IplImagePointerToEmgucvImage<Bgr, Byte>(dst);



using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Emgu.CV;
using Emgu.CV.CvEnum;
using Emgu.CV.Structure;

namespace ZNLGIS
public class OpenCVEmguCVDotNet

/// 将MIplImage结构转换到IplImage指针;
/// 注意:指针在使用完之后必须用Marshal.FreeHGlobal方法释放。

/// MIplImage对象
/// 返回IplImage指针
public static IntPtr MIplImageToIplImagePointer(MIplImage mi)
IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(mi.nSize);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(mi, ptr, false);
return ptr;

    /// <summary>
    /// 将IplImage指针转换成MIplImage结构
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ptr">IplImage指针</param>
    /// <returns>返回MIplImage结构</returns>
    public static MIplImage IplImagePointerToMIplImage(IntPtr ptr)
        return (MIplImage)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(MIplImage));

    /// <summary>
    /// 将IplImage指针转换成Emgucv中的Image对象;
    /// 注意:这里需要您自己根据IplImage中的depth和nChannels来决定
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TColor">Color type of this image (either Gray, Bgr, Bgra, Hsv, Hls, Lab, Luv, Xyz or Ycc)</typeparam>
    /// <typeparam name="TDepth">Depth of this image (either Byte, SByte, Single, double, UInt16, Int16 or Int32)</typeparam>
    /// <param name="ptr">IplImage指针</param>
    /// <returns>返回Image对象</returns>
    public static Image<TColor, TDepth> IplImagePointerToEmgucvImage<TColor, TDepth>(IntPtr ptr)
        where TColor : struct, IColor
        where TDepth : new()
        MIplImage mi = IplImagePointerToMIplImage(ptr);
        return new Image<TColor, TDepth>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);

    /// <summary>
    /// 将IplImage指针转换成Emgucv中的IImage接口;
    /// 1通道对应灰度图像,3通道对应BGR图像,4通道对应BGRA图像。
    /// 注意:3通道可能并非BGR图像,而是HLS,HSV等图像
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ptr">IplImage指针</param>
    /// <returns>返回IImage接口</returns>
    public static IImage IplImagePointToEmgucvIImage(IntPtr ptr)
        MIplImage mi = IplImagePointerToMIplImage(ptr);
        Type tColor;
        Type tDepth;
        string unsupportedDepth = "不支持的像素位深度IPL\_DEPTH";
        string unsupportedChannels = "不支持的通道数(仅支持1,2,4通道)";
        switch (mi.nChannels)
            case 1:
                tColor = typeof(Gray);
                switch (mi.depth)
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_8U:
                        tDepth = typeof(Byte);
                        return new Image<Gray, Byte>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_16U:
                        tDepth = typeof(UInt16);
                        return new Image<Gray, UInt16>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_16S:
                        tDepth = typeof(Int16);
                        return new Image<Gray, Int16>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_32S:
                        tDepth = typeof(Int32);
                        return new Image<Gray, Int32>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_32F:
                        tDepth = typeof(Single);
                        return new Image<Gray, Single>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_64F:
                        tDepth = typeof(Double);
                        return new Image<Gray, Double>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                        throw new NotImplementedException(unsupportedDepth);
            case 3:
                tColor = typeof(Bgr);
                switch (mi.depth)
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_8U:
                        tDepth = typeof(Byte);
                        return new Image<Bgr, Byte>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_16U:
                        tDepth = typeof(UInt16);
                        return new Image<Bgr, UInt16>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_16S:
                        tDepth = typeof(Int16);
                        return new Image<Bgr, Int16>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_32S:
                        tDepth = typeof(Int32);
                        return new Image<Bgr, Int32>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_32F:
                        tDepth = typeof(Single);
                        return new Image<Bgr, Single>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_64F:
                        tDepth = typeof(Double);
                        return new Image<Bgr, Double>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                        throw new NotImplementedException(unsupportedDepth);
            case 4:
                tColor = typeof(Bgra);
                switch (mi.depth)
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_8U:
                        tDepth = typeof(Byte);
                        return new Image<Bgra, Byte>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_16U:
                        tDepth = typeof(UInt16);
                        return new Image<Bgra, UInt16>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_16S:
                        tDepth = typeof(Int16);
                        return new Image<Bgra, Int16>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_32S:
                        tDepth = typeof(Int32);
                        return new Image<Bgra, Int32>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_32F:
                        tDepth = typeof(Single);
                        return new Image<Bgra, Single>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_64F:
                        tDepth = typeof(Double);
                        return new Image<Bgra, Double>(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, mi.imageData);
                        throw new NotImplementedException(unsupportedDepth);
                throw new NotImplementedException(unsupportedChannels);

    /// <summary>
    /// 将Emgucv中的Image对象转换成IplImage指针;
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TColor">Color type of this image (either Gray, Bgr, Bgra, Hsv, Hls, Lab, Luv, Xyz or Ycc)</typeparam>
    /// <typeparam name="TDepth">Depth of this image (either Byte, SByte, Single, double, UInt16, Int16 or Int32)</typeparam>
    /// <param name="image">Image对象</param>
    /// <returns>返回IplImage指针</returns>
    public static IntPtr EmgucvImageToIplImagePointer<TColor, TDepth>(Image<TColor, TDepth> image)
        where TColor : struct, IColor
        where TDepth : new()
        return image.Ptr;

    /// <summary>
    /// 将IplImage指针转换成位图对象;
    /// 对于不支持的像素格式,可以先使用cvCvtColor函数转换成支持的图像指针
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ptr">IplImage指针</param>
    /// <returns>返回位图对象</returns>
    public static Bitmap IplImagePointerToBitmap(IntPtr ptr)
        MIplImage mi = IplImagePointerToMIplImage(ptr);
        PixelFormat pixelFormat;    //像素格式
        string unsupportedDepth = "不支持的像素位深度IPL\_DEPTH";
        string unsupportedChannels = "不支持的通道数(仅支持1,2,4通道)";
        switch (mi.nChannels)
            case 1:
                switch (mi.depth)
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_8U:
                        pixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed;
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_16U:
                        pixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format16bppGrayScale;
                        throw new NotImplementedException(unsupportedDepth);
            case 3:
                switch (mi.depth)
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_8U:
                        pixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb;
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_16U:
                        pixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format48bppRgb;
                        throw new NotImplementedException(unsupportedDepth);
            case 4:
                switch (mi.depth)
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_8U:
                        pixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb;
                    case IPL\_DEPTH.IPL\_DEPTH\_16U:
                        pixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format64bppArgb;
                        throw new NotImplementedException(unsupportedDepth);
                throw new NotImplementedException(unsupportedChannels);

        Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(mi.width, mi.height, mi.widthStep, pixelFormat, mi.imageData);
        if (pixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed)
        return bitmap;

    /// <summary>
    /// 将位图转换成IplImage指针
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="bitmap">位图对象</param>
    /// <returns>返回IplImage指针</returns>
    public static IntPtr BitmapToIplImagePointer(Bitmap bitmap)
        IImage iimage = null;
        switch (bitmap.PixelFormat)
            case PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed:
                iimage = new Image<Gray, Byte>(bitmap);
            case PixelFormat.Format16bppGrayScale:
                iimage = new Image<Gray, UInt16>(bitmap);
            case PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb:
                iimage = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(bitmap);
            case PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb:
                iimage = new Image<Bgra, Byte>(bitmap);
            case PixelFormat.Format48bppRgb:
                iimage = new Image<Bgr, UInt16>(bitmap);
            case PixelFormat.Format64bppArgb:
                iimage = new Image<Bgra, UInt16>(bitmap);
                Image<Bgra, Byte> tmp1 = new Image<Bgra, Byte>(bitmap.Size);
                Byte\[, ,\] data = tmp1.Data;
                for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.Width; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < bitmap.Height; j++)
                        Color color = bitmap.GetPixel(i, j);
                        data\[j, i, 0\] = color.B;
                        data\[j, i, 1\] = color.G;
                        data\[j, i, 2\] = color.R;
                        data\[j, i, 3\] = color.A;
                iimage = tmp1;
        return iimage.Ptr;

    /// <summary>
    /// 设置256级灰度位图的调色板
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="bitmap"></param>
    public static void SetColorPaletteOfGrayscaleBitmap(Bitmap bitmap)
        PixelFormat pixelFormat = bitmap.PixelFormat;
        if (pixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed)
            ColorPalette palette = bitmap.Palette;
            for (int i = 0; i < palette.Entries.Length; i++)
                palette.Entries\[i\] = Color.FromArgb(255, i, i, i);
            bitmap.Palette = palette;
