mirrors: "": endpoint: -"" "docker.io": endpoint: -"https://7bezldxe.mirror.aliyuncs.com" -"https://registry-1.docker.io" configs: "": auth: username:''# this is the registry username password:''# this is the registry password tls: cert_file:''# path to the cert file used in the registry key_file:''# path to the key file used in the registry ca_file:''# path to the ca file used in the registry "docker.io": auth: username:''# this is the registry username password:''# this is the registry password tls: cert_file:''# path to the cert file used in the registry key_file:''# path to the key file used in the registry ca_file:''# path to the ca file used in the registry
mirrors: "": endpoint: -"" configs: "": auth: username:admin# this is the registry username password:Harbor12345# this is the registry password
使用授信 ssl 证书
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mirrors: "harbor.kingsd.top": endpoint: -"https://harbor.kingsd.top" configs: "harbor.kingsd.top": auth: username:admin# this is the registry username password:Harbor12345# this is the registry password
使用自签 ssl 证书
如果后端仓库使用的是自签名的 ssl 证书,那么需要配置 CA 证书 用于 ssl 证书的校验。
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mirrors: "harbor-ksd.kingsd.top": endpoint: -"https://harbor-ksd.kingsd.top" configs: "harbor-ksd.kingsd.top": auth: username:admin# this is the registry username password:Harbor12345# this is the registry password tls: ca_file:/opt/certs/ca.crt
mirrors: "harbor-ksd.kingsd.top": endpoint: -"https://harbor-ksd.kingsd.top" configs: "harbor-ksd.kingsd.top": auth: username:admin# this is the registry username password:Harbor12345# this is the registry password tls: ca_file:/opt/certs/ca.crt# path to the ca file used in the registry cert_file:/opt/certs/harbor-ksd.kingsd.top.cert# path to the cert file used in the registry key_file:/opt/certs/harbor-ksd.kingsd.top.key# path to the key file used in the registry